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charlie sheen no teeth picture

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  • be the next Charlie Sheen.

  • grinch
    03-09 07:22 PM
    entries due tomorrow, and I don't know what I'm gona do with mine. I want to fix so much, but theres no time, I'll get my final render in tomorrow

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  • rajuram
    11-11 10:33 PM
    With democrats in control, at the very minimum we should try to push recapture of lost visa numbers. Tie that with the ability of immigrants to buy houses, we could have a game winner...

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  • Charlie Sheen#39;s Ex Denise

  • masouds
    02-16 12:38 PM
    Yes you have in your posts supported what IV stands against. You have appreciated policies of US government not letting Indians and Chinese here.So I am not sure what you stand for. IV has opposing country caps on agenda from last three years and suddenly you are telling folks that there are too many Indians and Chinese here and you support caps and less Indians and Chinese here. Yes you are minority and you can say your voice but cannot be racist and cannot offend the majority.

    I am sorry if I offended anyone. I don't recall how.
    and by the way, my friend, you really really need a life :-) That's the last thing you'll hear from me on this subject.
    peace out

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  • smisachu
    09-10 10:05 PM
    This is the reply I got from a student at my grad alma mater

    Dear XXYY

    This year most of the students at GATech have come only to study and get back to India, their homeland. So the participation might be grim due to the same. Even I have decided to return once done with my studies. Guess serving the motherland has been more important to us than earning the $$, since we know that only with efforts of an individual a country can progress.



    Yup Guys. Ditto.. I was in Penn State last week for their Football game and met some of my class mates and current students..No hope there.

    All of them want to study and go back. After what happened to H1's this year none of them think they will even get a H1 if the wanted to stay.


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  • Charliesheencap

  • Sheetal_MA
    03-10 09:55 AM
    Both 1A and 2A category for Family Based (sons, daughters, spouse - of citizens and green card holders) has better dates (15th Aug 02, 15th Aug 2004) than EB-2 India, and EB-3 India.

    This is so preposterous, words cannot even begin to describe this absurdity.

    So those of us who have been in U.S. for almost a decade, have been contributing to this society, and have held our life in constant limbo, are being given a lower priority than those who are still back in their own country and living a happy life and who can now immigrate to U.S. based on family immigration.

    Do the lawmakers have no common sense left atall??

    Do you fully realize your statement about the 2A category which is for spouses and children of green card holders? That means that if someone got a green card (whether through the family or EB category), they have to wait 5+ years to reunite with their spouse and children. At least those with H1B can bring their spouse into the country right away.

    I have been lurking on this forum to understand the plight of EB immigrants and the posts the last few weeks have confirmed my belief that the problem exist because a lot of people came to the US from 1999-2006 and want to stay here permanently. The EB immigration system was fine before then; thus, the problem is supply/demand, not the immigration policies.

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  • Charlie Sheen#39;s lawyer is

  • ashwaghoshk
    03-21 12:03 PM
    Send me I'm. My prev post was deleted by mod becos they won't allow other websites to be published here

    I checked on the site you mentioned. I can see so many approvals for the dates after mar-01. There are approvals on mar-01, mar-07, mar-09, mar-11, mar-12, mar-14, mar-15, mar-16 etc etc for the Atlanta center. I dont know what made you think that the process was slowed sin Mar-01.


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  • The whole Charlie Sheen

  • abcdefgh
    01-18 12:27 PM

    This is what I found from other web site when I tried to get more membership to IV. These are the comments I received for the IV. How can we make people aware of our good faith effort. This is another road block we are facing. Many people will not believe that our efforts in full good faith. IV needs to put more emphasis on these issues also.

    Just opinions.


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  • Charlie Sheen Looks Like This

  • november
    09-10 04:37 PM


    Hope HR-5882 pass through Full House committee,House ,Senate , the whole 9 yards.


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  • is my 2 front teeth!

  • GCKaIntezar
    01-30 03:17 PM
    I agree with you. No images, KISS.

    Do we need images? Can't we just have text on a yellow paper with appropriate text highlighted? We want to emphasize on the text. Not sure what value add an image can have unless we have someone standing in a line outside a gc office with window and we could put something like .. another 5 years... The images has to be in sync with the text. I am not for putting a picture of the capitol hill so much. We have to emphasize on the problem. This is just my opinion.


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  • onemorecame
    10-07 02:12 PM
    My packet delivered to mailroom today morning at 9:07 by UPS. And just now at 2:48 got page and checked online status and its says they issued RFE again?

    �On October 7, 2010, we mailed a notice requesting additional evidence or information in this case�

    Not sure whether it�s their system glitch or it�s my luck... :confused:

    Is it happen to anyone else or it�s me?


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  • Jaime
    09-12 05:06 PM
    We Are All Going To Washington! Make Sure You Join Us! Together We Will Achieve Our Hard-earned Freedom!!!!

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  • Charlie Sheen – Genius 16

  • gcinterview
    11-25 10:37 AM
    My 2 cents... If you need to switch careers say from IT to any other do from a Top 10 in campus school.

    Part time MBA is good if you want to move up your own career(say IT). Do something thats AACSB accredited and is reasonably ranked. Business week has a specific ranking for Parttime MBA.

    Any excess payment for a non ranked Part-time MBA over 50K is cost of lost opportunity. The money could be better invested somewhere else.


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  • gunabcd
    07-13 10:57 PM

    July 12, 2007

    Michael Chertoff, Esq.
    Department of Homeland Security

    RE: USCIS Decision to Reject I-485 Filings

    Dear Mr. Chertoff:

    Looks like "Jbpvisa" wanted to win the race of posting this article first, and he/she mis-spelled "Murthy" as Murphy. recently somebody came up with a "Secret News.." which was actually his own far fetched fantasy. I don't understand why some people are so thrilled about throwing around sensational sounding posts ? Isn't that similar to creating a chain email hoax?

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  • needhelp!
    02-03 12:33 PM
    IV already has this as part of the agenda so why try to reinvent the wheel? Currently IV has requested our active involvement in trying to expand our member base to make our voice stronger.

    We have professional help to analyze the current political situation to decide on the best course of action that will benefit all members. A lot of background work has to be done before IV can announce a call campaign or letter campaign.

    I know ROW country may not like this thread, but look at EB-3 India or China, put yourself in our shoes and than you may realize how unfair this country is. In this unprecedented financial turmoil, I feel there are very remote chances for CIR or any package which increase immigration etc would pass, I am taking this initiative to gather as many people I can and go to washington. Again this is not an IV effort. If you are with me , you can spare some time or few days in Washington, please PM me. our sole agenda is bring a 2 line bill to remove country quota...


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  • Charlie Sheen loses teeth

  • new2gc
    06-11 08:43 AM
    They have given up looking for job because we (tax payers) are feeding them with unemployment benefits.......that are almost equal to normal wage of a hard working person..... whose fault is that?? Immigrants?? oh yeah..


    Dear Colleague:

    Since the recession started in December of 2007, nearly 8 million Americans have lost their jobs and the unemployment rate has nearly doubled. In total, 15 million Americans are officially unemployed, another 8.8 million Americans are working part-time only because they cannot find a full-time job, and more than one million workers have given up ooking for work altogether <<<<<<

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  • No one has been that

  • vamsi_poondla
    09-26 09:45 AM
    If all of us do it, they will probably add an errata


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  • by Charlie Sheen….even at

  • pkak
    07-09 08:10 PM
    I feel that they did not violate any clause. Till June 30 which is end of third quarter, they are authorized to approve (3*27%*140K) 113,400. However they approved only 66,400 till May 31. That yields about 47,000 for June alone(10%+any number not used in previous months). The reamining visas are eligible for Jul 1, which is 13,000. Put together June and July1, it comes 60,000. Therefore they did not violate any law. This makes only 126,000. The remaining number was splitted for Consular processing.

    my 2 cents...

    They cannot issue more than 37.800 visas for april-may-june quarter (0.27*140,000).

    37800+13000 is less than 60,000.

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  • next Charlie Sheen.

  • pappu
    12-26 03:41 PM
    6. If your visa is expired as mine is (btw a feb date has never opened up anywhere in India to date...i'm sick and tired and frustrated....getting an appt is a major hassle) the you better choose your airline carefully, the French embassy demands personal appearance (350 miles) for the 10 min it takes to issue a visa- which then lets me walk from one gate to another at De Gaulle.....
    So if you travel to India and change planes in Paris you need a transit visa!!
    What other countries do that and what countries allow without the visa? this information will be helpful.

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  • Tags: Charlie Sheen, Chuck

  • feedfront
    10-12 04:19 PM

    I don't know if anyone is in or has been in a similar situation. But would appreciate sound advise on the next steps...


    Do you have attorney? It will be better if he/she write letter for status of the case. I had RFE in last year (around summer'09). My PD was current since Aug, but no change in the status or specific response (tried congressman, senator, SR). But, I got new RFE (medical report required) when my attorney contacted them. I don't know what triggered it, but my attorney contacted USCIS last (after I did not get any specific info from other sources).

    You can write to USCIS director. Someone here in this forum wrote to director, when he did not get any progress on his SR.

    What's your receipt date? I heard that they are using receipt date. I know couple of people (including myself) whose application was picked (or generated RFE) matched the pattern of receipt date not PD.

    03-07 11:54 AM
    Please read my scrap carefully.....I did say that you need a letter from the company stating that they will employ you on a full time permenant position upon receiving your green card!.....However, you do not need any other support like ability to pay, labor certifications, etc.

    01-17 08:17 AM

    Can we post link to this thread some where on every page so that who ever visits IV sees this thread right away? May be in different color or in some way so that it stands out. It looks like this thread is lost among all other threads.

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