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  • guyfromsg
    07-16 09:52 PM
    We all know that people on H1 status pay federal,state and social security tax. So I checked IRS site and searched for H1B. They have couple of links that shows H1b should pay tax. My point is everyone knows IRS and they know how much they go after people who are not paying taxes. If we can point to IRS which itself states by way examples that H1B should pay tax then at least the fence sitters will not jump on their side. I doubt if hardcore NumberUSA supporter will believe this anyway but we need turn the fence sitters around which may be the majority.

    Here is the first one:

    I have an H-1B Visa and my husband has an F-1 Visa. We both lived in the United States all of last year and had income. What kind of form should we file? Do we file separate returns or a joint return?

    Assuming both of you had these visas for all of last year, you are a resident alien. Your husband is a nonresident alien if he has not been in the United States as a student for more than 5 years. You and your husband can file a joint tax return on Form 1040, 1040A, or 1040EZ if he makes the choice to be treated as a resident for the entire year. See Nonresident Spouse Treated as a Resident in chapter 1. If your husband does not make this choice, you must file a separate return on Form 1040 or Form 1040A. Your husband must file Form 1040NR or 1040NR-EZ.

    Here is an example where they use person on H1b as an example. I'm giving the link as the explanation is long. Just look at example 10


    Example 8.

    Mr. Gerhard Schwarz was a citizen and resident of Germany just prior to his arrival in the United States. He arrived in the United States on 08-15-99 as a professor of physics on an H-1b visa. He intends to remain in the United States for two academic years, and does not intend to change his immigration status during that period before returning home. Determine his residency starting date.

    What kind of federal income tax returns will he file for 1999 and 2000?

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  • bestia
    08-15 04:11 PM
    DOS/USCIS learned to do copy and paste :) "01JAN07"

    And more serious.. it means that not all visas "were made available". So there are still unused visas. Good news for some BEC folks thought.

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  • apt29
    11-11 05:00 PM
    Is there any IV member in DC willing take up this task, while we work on document?

    The next step is really to get an appointment with the official. We can get signatures/representation much easily.

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  • BharatPremi
    08-29 04:00 PM
    Desi consulting company and reliable ?:D:confused::D:confused::D:rolleyes::rolleyes::ro lleyes:


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  • desi3933
    02-03 07:15 AM
    Here is the text under the attachment section

    The record contains a letter from your prospective employer. The letter indicates that you have been employed by XXXXXX company as a Senior Software Engineer. However, the record does not contain any evidence which establishes the salary or compensation package being offered. Therefore you must submit a currently issued letter or other evidence from the prospective permanent employer indicating that the salary or compensation package being offered.

    PD Mar 2002
    485 RD SEP 2007

    Submit job offer letter indicating job title and salary for the GC job. The letter must also mention that this job is permanant.

    Not a legal advice.
    US Citizen of Indian Origin

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  • onemorecame
    09-14 01:22 PM
    I am current on this month of sep, Online status change to RFE on Sep 10. 2010
    I feel its could be due to change of state(relocation) after filling i-485. but not sure..

    Please share your RFE/view


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  • laborchic
    09-12 11:06 AM
    So many people in NJ Thread... How many are coming for the rallly....

    Please forrward the Businessweek article to everyone.. This may give us a good bump in increasing the attendance..

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  • IfYouSeekAmy
    08-21 03:54 PM
    I am truly sorry for your situation and applogize for the lousy way people in this forum are treating you. It seems you have done everything honestly and legally. From your story I do not see any wrong intentions or trying to stay here illegally. If that was the case I don't see why you filed the pettion anyway so looks like you have done the right thing. I wish I could help. The only advise I could give you is to see if you can get an extension on the 30 day period. I do not know if that is possible but I sincerely hope that things will work out for you!

    I did not marry the man I was engaged to. I came here initially for ONE month and was approved at the airport customs terminal to stay that long. When I got here, it was for a visit with my fiance only. Unfortunately, things did not work out and we broke it off. Thank God! However, I was staying with his uncle and aunt, and they had a disabled man in the house. HE turned out to be my sponsor when they asked me to care for him while they were doing long haul trucking. I agreed to do this and we immediately contacted USCIS to get instructions on what needed to be filed first. With that information in hand, we filed everything they requested. All the stuff on the RFE I received has never been mentioned before now and if it had, it would have been filed along with the rest. There are tons of applications, how is one supposed to know what to file and when if there are no specific instructions? I have gone through all the copies we have of all the required applications and I still do not see anything where all these other forms were to be filed along with the I-485.
    Nothing was done illegally. He filed the application on my behalf, signed, sealed and delivered it himself. I did not do this on my own, I just signed whatever I was required to sign, he did the rest.
    If all of this was illegal, then why was I not informed of this nearly 6 years ago when we filed the first application? Seems a bit odd that if I was illegal and they know where I am and who I live with that they wouldn't be quick to throw me out, but they have not done so.
    My former fiance has nothing to do with this, I never intended to stay here when I first came, it was merely a visit but circumstances were such that I was needed at a moment's notice so we filed the necessary paperwork as quickly as possible and thought we were doing the right thing. No one has ever said otherwise until now and I think that is rather unfair to spring it all on me at this point and expect me to get it all done within 30 days. I know I am not the only applicant out there and I realize there is a huge backlog of other applications, I'm not that stupid to think that they will make me a priority, but one measly letter informing me that I was here illegally sometime over a 6 year period is not asking to much is it? Why would they send me all the other Notices of Action if I was here illegally and they knew it?
    Something is terribly screwed up and I guess I have no choice but to find an attorney who can deal with this mess.


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  • cshen
    06-12 06:28 AM
    We are not out of the CIR woods yet.



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  • akred
    01-28 11:23 AM
    If the country cap was supposed to increase diversity, lets have a country cap based on the person's race. Or lets have a single country cap for the EU. The fact that political integration in Europe has lagged behind China and India is being used by the restrictionists to limit immigration from the 3rd world.

    Anyway, point is the immigration system overall is broken. IV should seriously consider making common cause with the lobby for undocumented immigrants. The way I see it, my H4 wife is an illegal immigrant now since she volunteered at some place in exchange for reduced fees.


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  • mpadapa
    07-01 04:53 PM
    Call U'r own lawmaker and request them to support the Lofgren bills. Talk to their leg. aide who handles immigration and appraise them about the bills. Believe me there are quite a few lawmaker offices who aren't aware of the Lofgren bills. If constituents call and request the lawmakers to support, then they will have to look into these bills. And more importantly you have to do a follow up call and find out the position of the lawmaker on the 3 bills.
    Find your lawmaker by keying in U'r address or zip code at http://www.visi.com/juan/congress/

    1000 signatures representing a problem which impacts close to a million people isn't enough. Admin fix campaign had around 5000 letters and it wasn't enough to create any big impact. If we are having a campaign with atleast 100K signatures, then Yes I am signing in on this campaign.

    We already participated in the phone campaign. What else we can do in helping the Lofgren bills?
    With an online petition and > 1000 signatures, we can mail the copies to media/congressman/President.

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  • inskrish
    08-16 12:59 AM
    September bulletin was out today..Wondering why there was no thread yet on IV..EB2 india shows visa number available with a cutoff date of APRIL 2004

    Sorry, you are late to the party.:)


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  • Circus123
    02-20 04:31 PM
    EB3 india wont move further... With PD Sep 2001 EB3 Indi. Still waiting...
    Don't worry man! Your coast is near ... I think the EB3 India movement will atleast go to Sept - Oct 2001 . Someone had posted the Labor PD count from May 01 to Dec 01 . (524 in total) . Obviously the unknown which came out of the BEC backlogs makes this situation worse.

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  • Libra
    09-27 11:20 AM
    thats true, it will take a while to adjust in home country once you move back, but after a while you feel so good that you never think of leaving the country. My family forcing me to look for a job in India.


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  • vdlrao
    09-26 02:43 PM
    Dear Reader,

    Thank you for your interest in FSB. We admit that there was a
    mischaracterization of the Capitol Hill rally in the story and it was
    corrected as soon we realized the error.

    We have changed the story to correctly identify the mission as a protest of
    the long delays in securing green cards for highly-skilled workers already
    in the U.S.

    We will work to avoid errors like this in the future.

    Best regards,


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  • ilikekilo
    10-15 08:59 PM
    ok what receipt # are you guys talking about? i think iam little confused..

    ok if I send the letter with my name and notarize it would it suffice? plkease advise? waht is that receipt # that u guysa re talking about


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  • karanp25
    07-14 06:28 PM
    Sorry for asking too many questions. One more thing is when did you get this RFE? I am in similar situation---used AC-21 and applied for EAD back in first week of May 2008, but nothing yet from NSC. I was with my GC sponsoring employer for more than 6 months though and I-140 was approved back in 2005.

    I filed EAD renewal on May 28 2008.
    Service Center: Nebraska

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  • apt29
    11-11 05:00 PM
    Is there any IV member in DC willing take up this task, while we work on document?

    The next step is really to get an appointment with the official. We can get signatures/representation much easily.

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  • imh1b
    11-16 04:25 PM
    To the original poster of this thread: Why don't you go to court first.

    I am sure after few days of visa bulletin, his anger will fizzle out and all these people talking about action will disappear.

    Has the lawsuit been filed yet?

    Someone please post updates on the lawsuit.

    07-03 11:31 AM
    If for a moment we say USCIS has really increased the processing rate and more people are getting green cards which we see is the case. It may signal that on Oct 1st,2007 dates will move ahead of what was the scenario in May visa bulletin.

    If we forget the mistake they did in July bulletin and see the brighter side that they process faster, we should hold back our applications now and wait for the scenario on Oct 1st 2007, which would be hopefully a give a good realistic forward movement in dates. Since receipt date is important we should not get emotional and send in the application. This is just a thought.

    Making Current in July was anyway like a lottery which denied all calculations based on pending cases.Before getting into law suits and protests which are also needed we have to take stock of all the implications and whether we really can provide 100% to these efforts.

    From the posts coming since yesterday, most of the members are agitated and it seems we fail to realize that this event itself was a miscalculation and all of us were trying to get benefit of it considering the long waits we have endured for just getting a chance to file AOS.

    We also knew that even if the applications are accepted there was no way we can get our green cards for a long time. AC21 and EAD for spouse was the main aim of many applicants.

    This is really a sad story of people who have sacrificed career prospects, faced family separation, made important decisions like marraige.

    Hope this post makes sense and we take a step back and reconsider our actions. This is not out of fear but past experience of lawsuits explained in other posts.

    Lets contribute... We have big day ahead of us..

    12-13 01:04 PM
    Pappu has doused the fire..:(

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