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  • valuablehurdle
    02-10 07:38 AM
    I also have Continental Airmiles that I can donate. Please PM me if anyone is interested. I will be driving to DC myself since I am just 4 hours away.

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  • indianindian2006
    07-14 06:09 PM
    This is aboslutly incorrect. Dont spread false information.

    Here is the Q&A in USCIS memo abot changing employer before 180 days

    Question 10. Should service centers or district offices deny portability cases on the sole basis that the alien has left his or her employment with the I-140 petitioner prior to the I-485 application pending for 180 days?

    Answer: No. The basis for adjustment is not actual (current) employment but prospective employment. Since there is no requirement that the alien have ever been employed by the petitioner while the I-140 and/or I-485 was pending, the fact that an alien left the I-140 petitioner before the I-485 has been pending 180 days will not necessarily render the alien ineligible to port. However, in all cases an offer of employment must have been bona fide. This means that, as of the time the I-140 was filed and at the time of filing the I-485 if not filed concurrently, the I-140 petitioner must have had the intent to employ the beneficiary, and the alien must have intended to undertake the employment, upon adjustment. Adjudicators should not presume absence of such intent and may take the I-140 and supporting documents themselves as prima facie evidence of such intent, but in appropriate cases additional evidence or investigation may be appropriate

    You are correct but his case could be that his employer cancelled his 140 which could damage his case more than the use of AC21 to change employers.

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  • ItIsNotFunny
    10-16 10:36 AM
    As per IV core we should be doing lobbing and lobbing needs money. We had tried few times and the latest High Five had not collected enough money that can be used for lobbying. How can we count on our members to do something big.
    I think we should work in our state level chapters, collect funds for activites and when we have a solid foundation talk about activities like flower campaign, rally etc.. where everybody would be involved.

    Red and Green dots Welcomed.


    I would say lets make a small group who is really willing to be active, share personal contact information - no anonymous. Then discuss exactly what and how to do something. Leave junks and losers behind, paying attention on them is not going to help us.

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  • Lollerskater
    10-20 01:11 PM
    Highly Skilled workers:

    Ensure high skilled workers trained and educated in the United States have the opportunity to stay and work in the United States upon graduation.

    Reform caps for H-1B visa program to rise and fall in response to market conditions. Reduce bureaucracy and waiting times for workers to arrive in the United States.

    Increase available green card numbers to reflect employer and employee demand.

    Extend the ability for H-1B visa holders to renew their H-1B status while waiting for their green card number to become available.

    Ensure available and qualified American workers are given adequate and fair opportunities to apply for available positions.

    The rest of you guys; tell me this is not good for the EB community!!! Immigrants blindly think that Democrats are somehow the only party that will solve every problem of theirs w/o even looking at their agenda.

    It is a no-brainer, McCain has a plan that will benefit us. I know we have no voting powers, but our support (in anyway legally possible) should be for McCain. Period!

    Do you really believe what that website says? Seriously? You don't think that's a little to targeted towards pulling our heartstrings? With no solid action plan to back it up? Just like a hooker ad on the freeway?

    John McCain does NOT know how to use a computer. That webpage has been designed, scripted and QA'd to specifically get that reaction from you.

    The Republicans have been using this tactic for the past 8 years. They pretend to cater to your needs and then leave us shortchanged. Eg. WMD. Terrorism. Did that benefit us, really? Do you feel safer? Or do you feel just about the same except that gas has gone up about 300%, food 200%, unemployment 5%, housing market crumbled and economy about to "crater"?

    He doesn't compare with Mccain on any of the issues except being able to talk. He spends more money running negative ads than Mccain. Then he says, john, 100% of your ads are negative where as only 50% of mine are negative. Which is true but if you dig further Mccain is spending 1bout 50Mil on negative ads where as Obama is spending 80Mil. Though he is correct in his percentages statement,is he really correct?

    Any time any question is raised , call them slimy is another strategy of Obama. He did it with Clintons and he is doing with Mccain.

    Have you had a look at the candidates' actions though? Barack has been realistic and truthful so far. He's went a gotten a good VP to back up any inexperience he may have. He's been addressing issues at hand, and I can't really fault him for ignoring the immigration scene when the financial scene has gotten so bad.

    McCain has been a total disaster. Sarah Palin? Really? At McCain's age, if anything untoward happens to him, she'll be your president. She'll be taking care of the mortgage sector and finance on wall street. All those companies the govt bailed out? Yes, she'll be taking responsibility for all those. Is that really where you want to spend your GC life in?

    On top of that, McCain has been acting erratic and weird. He's suspended his own campaign, gotten his crowd so rowdy that he got himself booed by his supporters, refused to look at Obama in a debate... is that how a maverick works? Is that how a tried and tested veteran behaves?

    And then he's done the Bush thing again. Flat out lied to everyone to benefit himself. See David Letterman's case, where he stood the poor host up.

    Folks, look at the BIGGER picture, and not your own selfish needs. There is no point getting a GC to a land that was not the one you had in mind.


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  • nixstor
    07-03 12:26 PM
    I admit, it seems discriminatory to say you can't get your GC now because you're from this country or that country but these "high volume" countries have created the current back log through their sheer numbers and sometimes multiple applications, not the system. The system is fair to ALL and for some group to say that it isn't fair because all of that group isn't getting what they want is unjust to the rest of us. I knew I would be pounced upon when I submitted my original post and it only proves my point of personal agendas; sometimes I wonder what the "I" in "IV" really stands for? Don't be so arrogant as to believe that your higher education should give you more rights than others - that doesn't fly with me! I am frustrated with this forum because of this arrogance and I may not visit too much longer!

    I do have one question for all of you who are in favor of eliminating the per country limit; do you support an eventual road to citizenship for the large group of people who dominate the "other side" of immigration? If you don't, some may think you hipocritical to want the rules changed for yourselves!

    Sheer number of applications from the high volume countries has created the backlog?? Are you saying/wishing that these people should not have come in the first place to avoid the backlog?? My friend, backlogs did not happen completely because of the sheer number of applications and gaming. Backlogs happened primarily because of wasted visa numbers and issues surrounding it. If there was no visa number wastage the priority dates would have been around 2-3 years behind as opposed to 7 or 8 years. There are gamers in every system. If a system does not work for people as it is supposed to, gamers do so to get out of the system. Not that IV condones such things but it happens in any system, when the system is broken.

    The I in IV definitely does not stand for me only or for any one only. I along with V only makes sense. I by itself does not get IV any where.

    So removing the per country limit would remove the "bias" off these countries and move it to the ones with lower populations; so, in essence the discrimination would be reversed?

    On one hand you are saying that there is a bias towards lower population countries now and you are ok with it, just because you happen to benefit from it. Is that what you mean?

    If retrogressed countries are asking for 75% of the numbers reserved to them rather than having one line for all, You have a good point in saying that the bias is shifting towards retrogressed countries. There is no such provision like that. The provision creates one line depending on when you entered the line. You enter the line ahead, you get it first.

    So keeping the limits intact is NOT a bias to you? You can't have it both ways. What do you think is a solution? The point system you referred to came with the same 10% limit on the retrogressed countries. What difference does it make to a retrogressed person with 96 out of 100 points, but still needs to wait for 4 years, while some one from Krakozhia walks away in 6 months with 60 points. B T W , you also said that higher education deserves more does not fly with you. I am not sure how you want points to be assigned, other than education and experience. Don't let the fear and protectionist thought take over the logical and rational thought.

    The "other side" of immigration is an entirely different topic. Their issues and our issues, their path to the end line and ours are entirely different. We can't simply compare apples and oranges and call people hypocrites. That said, I personally support it and feel that it will happen at some point depending on the majority in both houses and one party will suffer for the decisions it made. As a by stander, I sympathize with the situation the "other side" has been in. I have a full plate to work on.

    victories secret models. not reach the victories,
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  • willwin
    04-03 02:02 PM
    Not yet Filed EAD. PD MARCH 2005

    Oops! that's pretty bad.

    Looks like you missed the boat last July!

    I know guys with PD 2006 and got their GC approved during July-Sep 2007.

    Hope the date moves this summer so that you could file your 485.


    victories secret models. not reach the victories,
  • not reach the victories,

  • virtual55
    07-03 09:11 AM
    with out a reliable website, we can't communicate and do all the important things(productive) you are talking. maintaining a reliable website doesn't need much funds.

    Anti immigrants will not know our plans if we may this a paid website.

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  • These models, valued by

  • giveme_gc
    10-15 08:40 PM
    1) Rope in folks such as Vinod Khosla and Indra Nooyi to talk for us
    2) Differentiate ourselves from illegal immigrants
    3) Statistics such as taxes paid, contribution to economy, etc will help
    4) Ability to purchase homes, start business, and create jobs
    5) For the sizeable population we are, involvement in crime is minimal
    6) Peace loving people who want to live in this county and contribute towards its growth.

    Legal immigrant lobbies are weaker than illegal ones. We need to get more lobbying power to contribute to our causes. I dont know how many there are now, but we sure are weaker than the ones supporting the illegal immigrants. A lot more power in the corridors of Washington are needed to move things to our side. Hopefully our next generation will see better representation than the woeful lack that we face now. I agree with Bechara that sending flowers wont help.


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  • smuggymba
    03-12 11:12 AM
    great job guys. There was no spillover and the dates did not become current and everyone is blaming IV. Stop contibuting to IV if they are the one's who were not able to make it current. Stop ranting like ladies in a kitty party.

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  • hsm2007
    10-18 12:30 PM
    Did you confirm whether they received your RFE? You can go to Infopass and also talk to second level IO just to make sure that they received your RFE.

    any one else.. who got any update after filling RFE?

    I got soft LUD on Oct 12.... nothing after that :confused:


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  • commemorated the victories

  • desi3933
    03-09 01:04 PM
    spillover happens only when there are more EB based visas available than the number actually issued in the last quarter,

    People who don't believe the slow movement should get reality check done.

    I am getting Red for this. Great.

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  • model in the world.

  • Tito_ortiz
    02-13 03:56 PM
    His views are distorted.

    Can Americans go to India on H1B or similar visa to get work? No? Well, so think about it.


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  • ItIsNotFunny
    10-20 01:20 PM
    How stupid can someone be to give me a red for my previous post.

    Now for this. Why should someone hide behind a red dot (just to say "you suck" and things like that). Most, if not all, red dots are personal attack on the person rather than the post. The very few reds which actually are justifiable are the ones where someone is given the red for his offensive remarks.

    I realize that a side discussion on red dots is not germane to this post, but it is the participants in the discussion here who have brought it up. As evidenced by so many posts that keep happening now and then, some feel bad to post when people intimidate them with reds. Of course, some may say that red dots doesn't matter, but to a new member (who has contrarian views), getting red pretty much means some people are not going to take them seriously.

    Gave you green to keep ourselves up :)

    I also has similar issue. People putting red dots with no messages "." or saying "You Suck".

    One guy dared to put a message "You don't have plan". That person even didn't see that I just tossed an idea to see if people are comfortable for flower campaign. This can get success as a mass only. I didn't tell anytime that I have an exact plan. That was step 2.

    One supreme idiot of earth went one step further saying "None of your business". Come on. If Immigration is not my business then what else is? And why the hell that idiot was also on this portal!

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  • with over 100 victories

  • weasley
    02-12 05:38 AM
    True. We need members like desi3933 ( got GC and citizenship), United Nations (think he got GC) who spend time here and provide real details. I have read many posts of Desi3933 which are really helpful and he does speak with facts.

    we need folks such as desi3933 here. No where he vented any frustration. Take your garbage and frustration some where else.


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  • optimist578
    01-31 01:44 PM
    If one gets an H-1B approval now (Jan/Feb), can he start working right away? Or does he have to wait till the start of fiscal year, October?

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  • for Victoria#39;s Secret,

  • meridiani.planum
    03-13 11:48 AM
    I believe you can get an interim EAD from local USCIS office once the application has been pending for 3 months...

    not any more. Local offices stopped issuing interim EADs a year or two ago.
    Now-a-days if your renewel does not complete on time (ie. you dont get new
    EAD card in hand, on time) you need to stop working as soon as old one expires.


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  • Lima is a Brazilian model,

  • TeddyKoochu
    03-12 08:34 AM
    OP thanks for posting the link. I believe for EB2-I in reality we have to wait for the last quarter for anything at all to happen. The next 2 bulletins will also in all probability have no movement. Congrats to all those who became current this month, best wishes and good luck.

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  • refiling 485
    07-18 10:51 PM
    Hi gkdgopi

    Did you call texas office regarding July 2nd application? I have filed my application in texas office and they have recieved it on July 2nd.


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  • webm
    07-11 01:38 PM
    again no one can explain the ridiculous date movements by DOS...so there can be no reason for this..Its just that someone saw numbers being wasted...and they randomly applied them to EB2...Now as for getting approvals for all those that are current now...forget it ...since that is USCIS and that is a whole different Animal (a lazy one!!)

    It's true..even PD,processing times current scenario also..AOS approval rate was very slow...as it happenend for me 2 months May,June being current EB3-I nothing happened..:(

    Crazy CIS and its policies..:mad:

    09-12 10:57 AM
    Ajay, Shekhar, Sanjay where are you guys? I have not heard from you guys for a while. Is anyone of you going to the rally? If not, have you guys been spreading the message within your contacts?

    02-02 09:34 AM
    Sorry, but I couldn't join last night's conf. call. I was out on a business work.

    Did you guys meet?

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