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  • sidbee
    05-26 06:04 PM
    While on the way back from White Mountains in NH, our car was stopped on I-93 south by the US border patrol. They were stopping every single vehicle to question. They had over a dozen Govt vehicles with 40-50 people in uniform. My buddy was driving.
    Officer : Sir what is your status in the US ?
    Buddy: I am on L1 visa
    I: H1B
    buddy's wife: L2
    my wife: H4
    officer: is anyone US citizen ?
    I: my son is (he was sitting in the car seat)

    Officer: (to my buddy) Is your visa still valid ?
    Buddy: yes
    officer: do you have documents to prove your status?
    buddy: i have some papers in my bag which in the the trunk
    officer: can you show me?
    (buddy got out showed him tax papers and answered some questions)
    officer: did they not tell you you are supposed to carry your papers while travelling?
    buddy: I came over a year ago so i don't remember
    officer: I am letting you go, but i could have fined you $2000; $500 for each pasenger with no papers.

    I was so pissed off by this experience, clearly they are doing this to harrase immigrants. theoratically even if I am going for a walk i am supposed to carry immigration papers because a border patrol officer, in theory, could asks me for my papers ?


    I have decided that if anyone ask me such a stupid question again inside the US and i am just going to remain silent even if that means they detain me for some time.

    Just out of curiosity.

    You were not asked to show any documents (your friend was)?
    May be because your son is a US Citizen...

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  • wizkid732
    07-29 11:28 AM
    Why dont you start a campaign against these top notch companies that they are cheating H1Bs by not filing for Greencards? May be some senator who is bidding for a reelection in Nov will help you.

    On a serious note think about what you are asking from the company. If your services to the company are so valuable and if the company cannot survive without you, they will go to any extent to keep you. Your java/.net/unix/sap skills were very valuable just a few years ago, right now the same candidates are available in Tons. For the couple of positions we have, i am seeing 20-30 resumes everyday. What makes you so qualified that the company needs to do a gc (remember it is an incentive, just like signon bonus and profit sharing and relocation)? I do not know if anyone really is putting this on the offer letter and be liable if they backtrack on this/

    The names people are referring to are top companies. They are not obligated. So if they start the process and and they find people of your caliber they are obliged to hire them. Are you ready to forego your process at that stage? Also if they take a year for just filing are you ok with that? Basically what i am saying is that it is the employee/employer relationship.

    People bitch about desi companies (I dont work for one) as to how they gouge employees. But the benefit is that they go above and beyond to keep you on payroll. Do that with an American company - as soon as your contract ends you are done and out of job and out of status (technically). I personally know some folks who are out of job since Nov 2009 and still somehow managing to be legal (or atleast they claim)

    So bottom line is you cant have the cake and eat it too that is if you want to work for a top notch company with your meager skills and have the benefits of desi company.

    You should have come a few years earlier when people took advantage of

    Reduction in Recruitment
    Labor substitution
    Applying from states where the process took 3 months as opposed to 4 years
    starting companies in ME, NH, VT etc
    Oh by the way porting from EB3 to EB2 now

    People always find loopholes in the processes for quicker processing.


    Hope this thread will be useful for somebody who is looking for american company for green card processing. They wont get into the trap. So I am giving out the information from the known source(friends).

    Company1: Deloitte
    Company2: Chase

    These two companies promised doing green card cards,they filed h1s, but did not file green card.Whatever reason (bad economy) may be, they did not sponsor green cards for those they promised to do. So be careful. It is not gaurantee.
    Also, you can list the companies you know whoever promised, but did not file.

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  • yabayaba
    08-11 02:57 PM
    Please email to Compete America (info@competeamerica.org) see if they can help us at this point.
    Just say number of years waiting for green card under EB3 category.
    They know the issue very well..All they need is some momentum....
    Search | CompeteAmerica (http://www.competeamerica.org/search/node/india%20EB%E2%80%903)

    It would be better to run a campaign thro IV, need input from the IV leadership.

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  • arsh007
    02-01 11:38 AM
    Looks like there is now an increasing awareness of how Desi Consulting companies are bringing in a bad name to the entire desi population in this country.

    Found this email from Google H-1B Group: from
    infoprovider_ 2 at yahoo dot com.

    I would like to inform you about the large scale fraud going in the
    technology world today in USA. I know of many small-mid sized IT
    consultancies in US, which are founded by Indians. They recruit people
    (1) with degrees from various fields, most of the candidates recruited
    don't ever have any experience in computers. They train them in some
    tools (2) and change the resume totally (3), someone who has knowledge
    relevant to the job takes the interview instead of the actual candidate
    and they get placed. Ironically, even though these jobs advertisements
    say that around 5 years of experience is required, usually someone with
    not so high aptitude and limited trainig in that parituclar tool (2)
    can manage to sustain in that position, this is very real, these jobs
    can be done that way. They manage to get jobs in the biggest of US
    companies (4).

    This consultancy fraud is know to almost every Indian working in the
    technology sector. The consultancies almost don't take any one other
    than from India and surronding countires like Bangladesh, Srilanka. 99%
    of those i have seen are from India and the remaining 1% from
    Bangladesh, Srilanka etc.

    How many are doing this?
    I believe there would be atleast a few thousands of consultancies.
    Wanna find them? SOme of them advertise in Indian content sites such as
    sulekha.com. Look at the right hand side of the page
    classifieds. sulekha.com

    Who is loosing due to this.
    If this jobs can be done by someone with no experience in that
    technology, can't these be done by those americans who have a better
    experience (say 2 years or even 1 year), these folks work sincerely and
    go with correct resumes get X dollars where as the fraudsters get 3X -
    5X dollars.

    I don't say that every one from India are doing this. But a significant
    many are doing this. I know around 30 people working in US in
    technology sector. Over 20 are working this way. I can confidently say
    hundreds of thousands are doing this today and each year at least 50000
    (from student pool, dependents pool, directly coming to the
    consultancies as H1b workers from India) are joining them. Also, I am
    talking about the small to mid sized (1- 1000 people) consultancies not
    the big Indian consultancies such as Infosys and TCS.

    A lot of things can be done. But the simple thing that's easy to
    implement by the americans and thus not impede their productivity by
    spending too much resources in verifying the authenticity is this
    Let the INS provide the details of the H1b holders to the companies
    when asked by the companies only (this is similar to letting others
    e.g., housing provider, know about one's credit history). So, with the
    applicants SSN the companies can see the basic information like when
    the applicant has got his H1b approved and the resume submitted by the
    applicant with his H1b application (usually not many applicants give a
    very wrong resume to the INS while applying for the H1b). This
    eliminates almost all the cases of fraudsters (since they can't come to
    US today, one or two years ago and say that I have been working here
    for 5 years). This is one simple solution, easy to implement.
    There are many othere solutions

    (1) Whom do they usually recruit

    Thousands of students come from India every year to pursue Masters
    degree. They come to pursue Master's in various fields, the fields in
    which they have done their bachelor's back in India. Only about a
    quarter of them manage to get jobs in the fields in which they have
    done their Master's as direct employees of the companies. The remaining
    join these consultancies as they can easily get jobs through the

    Dependents, mostly those who come as spouses (coming as wives). They
    might have done some bachelors degree or Masters back in India in some
    field. Many of them not in computers. They don't have any experience
    there. They can easily be placed by the consultancies.

    SOme others pay these consultancies for sponsoring H1b visa. Typically
    the consultancies take the fee required for teh application and the
    lawyer fee (usually USD 2500-USD3000) . SOme of these cases are those
    with experience in IT in India. But significant number of the remaining
    are not experienced. Recently I have seen people who have been to other
    countries for their studies like Australia and Europe coming through
    the consultancies this way. Even most of these guys have no experience
    in IT, most experience in no field.

    (2) Which technologies they work in
    I have seen that the technologies they work in are in which the pay
    rates are high (because of lack of skillful people) like SAP,
    DataWarehousing tools. They also work in other fields like Testing etc.
    There are literally hundreds of thousands of jobs in these fields.

    (3) How much is the resume changed
    They change the resume totally. Every resume says the person has worked
    in US for over 4 years, doesn't matter if it is someone who came for
    masters to US an year or two years ago or someone who very recently
    came as a wife to someone.
    All most everyone's resumes have over 5 years experience where as in
    reality almost everyone don't have that much experience. If someone has
    that much experience they wouldn't go through these consultants who
    take a big fraction of the pay they get from the clients.

    Can't it be detected?
    No, in most cases its hard (expensive) for the recruiters (the clients)
    to find the authenticity of the resumes submitted. There is no proof
    that these resumes are authentic. Just in case some references are
    needed the consultancies give a dummy reference, and some phone number
    (they can ask some contacts, their acquiantainces working in some
    companies to take the call,if at all they feel that the client will
    find out from the phone number which company does this phone number
    belongs to, but most of the client companies don't go that far too, so
    a guy's mobile number who is working in the consultancy itself can be
    given as referencees contact number). It is hard to remember the voice
    by the interviewer after a few days of the intrview and usually these
    candidates join at least after a week after taking the interview (even
    if the candidate joins in 3 days, its hard to remember the voice as the
    interviewer usually interacts with many people (particularly they being
    in team lead or managerial positions)

    (4) I personally know people working in Microsoft, IBM, TEK systems,
    Cingular, Amazon, Accenture, Citigroup etc. This says such people are
    working in almost every technology company in USA
    So then, how is an American, like me, who spent tens of thousands of
    dollars to get thru 3 yrs. in a technical school that ended with a
    Bachelor degree in Science with Computer Information Systems, with
    honors, supposed to get a job in the IT community while these
    fraudulent (most likely illegal alien Indians) take the positions away
    from me? I worked my a$$ off studying hard, working hard, worked at
    the school, even took an extra course study in computer hardware
    configurations, and STILL, these IT companies DON'T want to even speak
    to me because they OUTSOURCE from these FRAUDS! How FAIR is


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  • BlueSunD
    02-27 06:14 PM
    Looking really good Elisoe!
    Thanks Grinch (hope you had a nice trip!) Keep up the great work!
    Guess my curiosity is being satisfied, so thanks guys! :D

    Anyway, here i�ll post a little list of sites with textures, some are ready to be used, and tileable, some still need to undergo some retouching... or more.... :) Hope it helps!

    http://astronomy.swin.edu.au/~pbourke/texture/ (http://astronomy.swin.edu.au/%7Epbourke/texture/)
    http://www.visibleearth.nasa.gov/ (sorry but down at this moment...)

    Happy texture hunting :pir:

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  • pappu
    01-17 01:43 PM
    it is a slow process. This recurring contribution is a good process in long run. We will inspire our members to contribute. This will grow in to thousands eventually. Keep up the good work with our core objectives.
    Yes it is upto members if they want this process to be like the greencard process and we can wait for years to get a bill passed. Ultimately the onus of getting sucess is on each and every one of us. We represent a community of highly skilled and get paid above average (than average american) but If we want 20 opinions per month on what IV should focus on, we can get those right away. However $20 per month is difficult.
    IV really want to go all out and use all resources to get the bill passed. We cannot do it without the support of all members.Pls. Visit this page http://immigrationvoice.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=26&Itemid=25
    and start contributing today.


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  • Author: Lemony Snicket

  • sbabunle
    01-09 05:04 PM
    This thread's been silent..whats going on fellas.... Are you guys finding out new forums, new websites to post....... We have to meet our 10K membership......

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  • kutra
    03-03 06:36 PM
    Please help me in refining the message: I plan to send to some major media.
    Dear Sir/Madam,

    We are an association of highly skilled immigrants, waiting for our permanent residency status. There are approximately one million such people in this situation.
    Before we proceed to make our point, we would like you to consider the following facts regarding ourselves:
    � Average age: 30-35 years
    � Average years of stay in the USA (all legally): 7 years
    � Average legal status in the USA: Final stage of the green card (called I-485 stage) and posses employment authorization document (EAD), renewable every year, indefinitely till one gets his green card.
    � Average Salary: $75K+
    � Average net worth: 100K-400K (mostly liquid)
    � Average occupations: Information technology, Doctors and Financial Analysts
    � Average education level: At least undergraduate
    � Average credit history: Excellent

    As mentioned earlier, we are in the final stage of our green card process and there are very few rejections (<1%) at this stage. It means that we would eventually get our green cards but it may take several years. Even though the chances of the rejection is very low but most people, out of fear, have been postponing any major investment decisions, like buying a house or a new car, in other words, living conservatively. In addition, due to the turmoil in the market, several of us, in spite of our excellent credit history, income and high liquid net worth may not qualify for loans as EAD is valid for only one year.

    Our organization has been urging the government to fix the green card process or at the very least relax the hassles of the yearly renewal ordeal for EADs. Either of these things will bring certainty in our life and prompt some of us to take some big decisions.

    We are writing to you with a hope that our situation will be highlighted and our intellectual and financial potential contribution to this country is appreciated.

    We conducted a small poll on one of the websites used for organizing ourselves. Almost 60% of the respondents are postponing the decision because of the situation they are in. The poll can be found at http://immigrationvoice.org/forum/showthread.php?t=17660

    Yours truly,

    Might not be extrapolation, but gross misrepresentation. Have you taken a poll or do you have any data to justify all the numbers you are including in the e-mail? If yes, then include the links for that in the letter, otherwise no one is going to believe you.

    Why, I can say, I have 10 billion dollars which I will donate to USCIS to improve their system if I get a GC right now.


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  • grinch
    02-27 08:59 PM
    ahha don't worry about it soulty, i appreciate the effort.
    I actually got a bit of help from my dad and some of my edu maya books.
    Thanks guys, if i need more help, I'll ask!

    hair We quote it all the time. lemony snicket quotes. By: Lemony Snicket
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  • gvenkat
    10-10 12:57 PM
    Just to avoid all this , You can say I'm a US citizen and move on. They cannot ask for any verification can they?


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  • jainnidhi26
    03-11 09:59 AM
    Is there any acco/carpool available near REAGAN INTERNATIONAL ??

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  • nixstor
    07-05 01:05 PM
    Who ever started this website should know that they are limited by the contributions from IV community. And we can only go so far in getting those contributions.

    Instead of making this a paid site, why don't you create incentives to be 'contributing member'

    > Publish a list of paid members and highlight their contribution and even sort them by total contribution. And mention 'anonymous' for those who don't want to be identified.

    > Sell T-shirt with IV logo. And mention that 50% of the cost of T-shirt goes to IV fund. This works in two-ways, we get money and we get publicity.

    > I don't prefer this but - create contributing-members only email-distro, or thread or section in the website.


    Limited contributions is not equal to no contributions. Limited contributions from every one weill make us stronger.
    Its not about getting extra privileges for paid members. No one (atleast me) wants a red carpet treatment her for paying 20USD. Its about fighting for a cause together. I dont think I need to underscore how Barrack Obama raised 32.5 mil USD. Most of us want to be future Americans right, if not all. I guess you should take a moment to consider the importance of contributions in the US of A


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  • Guest007
    12-12 05:11 PM

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  • skamma
    05-17 01:22 PM

    Can you pl. comment on this issue, since it is a potential and growing problem, we need to do something about it.



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  • indigokiwi
    03-04 08:43 AM

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  • logiclife
    04-20 02:22 PM
    I will be coming with my other friend. We are commuting from Tracy / Stockton area. Anybody bringing the banners / hand signs to support STRIVE ACT?

    Maybe no banners or signs because this is a town-hall style meeting and not a rally. I'll let you know if its ok to do that.

    But surely, it would be good if you bring a sign/banner saying "www.immigrationvoice.org" which would help us get more coverage is its caught by the media.


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  • nlssubbu
    09-28 06:20 PM
    Sorry about the generalization. I was refering to Senthil1 kind of folks, not folks like you. Thanks for all the support. My friend got a green card as recently as a month back, he struggled for a long time before he got one, I asked him if he wants to come for the rally and he told me "MRRRRRRRR I GOT MY GREEN CARD, YOU ARE ASKING THE WRONG PERSON FOR THE RALLY" and the same person told me "SOMETHING MUST HAPPEN TO THESE ROTTEN CONSULTING COMPANIES, THEY ARE RUINING THE SYSTEM" he got his GC from a small consulting company and after getting his GC he says these companies must not exist - he wants to shut thee door behind him

    These kind of people need to realise that they were in the same boat and just got across the shore. It does not mean that they should not help such people for a good cause. I hope that the current list of GC seekers do not fall in to such category in future. There are only a very few who lead by example and it is better to follow a good example. (That is why they are called leaders). I hope you can ignore these kind of people.


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  • paskal
    07-03 09:51 AM
    ...that the system is severely backlogged and needs repair but to say it is unfair to limit the number of immigrants from one country does not make sense. Removing the per country limit would allow one or two countries to dominate the EB system because their high populations allow them to produce more skilled labor. So removing the per country limit would remove the "bias" off these countries and move it to the ones with lower populations; so, in essence the discrimination would be reversed? Maybe a point-based system that incorporates a per country score would be better?

    i think it's an interesting discussion, but what would you say to the argument that if immigration artificially inflates the numbers of small countries beyond their real populations and ends up penalizing larger countries. in other words it creates and artificial distribution favoring certain parts of the world...is that really the goal? is is good? s it fair? it's a monopoly in the reverse way- excess opportunity for an individual from certain countries.
    when the quotas were originally made, they had exactly that idea- and the motive was explicitly racist. times have changed. so should the antiquated laws.

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  • ajthakur
    07-14 06:09 PM
    I know I acted irresponsibly. Under the circumstances I had to. The person employing me was trying to use me for (something) for which my conscience didnt allow. So the decision to quit was best. I can't write all the circumstances here. I knew I could get into problems with immigration department for my irrational yet moral decision to quit company before 180 days. I think this problem with USCIS is far more acceptable than doing something for your employer that your heart doesnt allow you to.

    Of course, you know your problems best, but it was obviously irresponsible of you to quit before letting 180 days pass after applying for 485.

    Here is the problem. The letter of employment you send to CIS must have a start date which will expose your violation of the 180 day rule. So unless you lie here, you are likely in in trouble. Your best bet is to suck it up and return to your sponsoring employer. That will ensure your case 100%. Any other option is risky.

    Go to a knowledged attorney. Khanna, Murthy, Gotcher etc., are the names I know.

    07-13 12:30 PM
    Where the visa numbers in Oct'08 will be will depend on how proactive IV is.

    Here is my take on the situation.

    DOS said that they used up 80% of EB numbers in first 3 quarters of Fiscal year '08, that leaves 28K (20% of 140K) visas available for last quarter of Fiscal year '08.

    Since higher priority categories are already current, this means that most of these visas have to be used by EB2 India/China.

    Hence DOS made it an option for USCIS to issue another 25K visas to EB2 India/China.

    See my analysis:

    If USCIS uses these 25K visas, then in Oct'08, they get the first quarter allocation for Fiscal year '09, and my calculation shows that EB2 India/China will move to atleast Jul 1, 06 (based on 627 India/China Level III/IV labor approvals forthat period).

    If USCIS lets the 25K visas to go waste, then in Oct'08, PDs will move back to mid 04.

    If they can approve ~ 150 k total EB cases per year @ ~12,500 / month, with EB3 used up for the remainder of this year, they can definitely process at least 25 k during Aug and Sep.

    02-19 07:21 AM
    And who do you think is going to process the paperwork for illegals? ... guess again, the same agency that is processing for Legal would-be-could-be immigrants. So how is it not going to increase processing time which would ultimately result in further delay?

    Moreover, it doesn't matter wether their is delay or not. Simply, putting illegals in front of legals is ethically, morally and legally wrong!!

    There is a difference.. In this case (>5 years), it will also include clauses or something that will not jeopardize your status. Compare requirements we have to meet in different stages and in this case. In LC, 140... you are at the mercy of many agencies, including mood of the officier who looks at your case, economic conditions, your employer, etc etc.. endless list . In this case you are just dependent upon yourself and if you can prove you were in the US for >5 years in whatever ways you can, then you are good. I know some who dont meet this 5 years may be disappointed, but they must find a way to include themselves if they can make sense. But not just cut the line.
    To prove >5 year legally in US is fully on you.. which is VERY good. Support it.

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