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  • gc28262
    04-10 10:04 AM
    The biggest surprise is EB3 Mexico. It just turned to U. How is that possible??
    Can this happen to EB3-I India as well??

    In April bulletin EB3 Mexico was at 01-JUL-02. Mexico used up all its quota and turned U. That means there were lot of applicants whose PD was before 01-JUL-02.

    As for India EB3, same logic applies. Right now India EB3 is at 01-OCT-01. If there are enough people with PD before 01-OCT-01 to use up the quota, it can turn U in the next bulletin. Otherwise it could inch couple of weeks forward.

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  • GCBy3000
    12-27 09:44 AM
    I have been in different states and this drivers licence rule differ substantially. California / florida strictly goes with your H1b validity date. For H4, it is much more difficult and my wife did not get it in CA but somehow managed ot get it in FL. When I moved to wisconsin, they gave me 3+years over my H1b validity date and also for my wife. The entire DMV process took us 5 mins whereas in FL, we stood in line from morining 3 am till evening 5pm and eventually got appointment for next day. When I asked about this in WI DMV, they said Wisconsin does not follow this and they are not aware of this.

    If financial institutions are following govt regulations, does it mean that Govt mandated this against h1b? One of those gimmicks where a H1b is subject to difficulty like obtaining driver lisence etc...is this the same gimmick to legally give hardship to h1b?

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    01-16 05:42 AM
    Signed up for $100/month recurring payment. Thanks for setting this up.

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  • MDix
    03-11 11:43 AM
    Don't put words in my mouth.
    Now you want me to give you reply which you will understand. The SledgeHammer or Mirage way.
    About the link, read from the top don't just read one post.

    Hey Joker -
    I joined IV 5 years after getting my GC. Please look at my 900+ posts and pull out one (just one) that justify your stupid thoughts.

    If that's make you happy - PD will be current next month. Now start dreaming again.

    -- desi3933


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  • truthinspector
    04-08 07:10 AM
    I don't understand the IO calling Client part. What if (like most of us do) the person was traveling on a weekend? Is the client supposed to be on call for the IO?Besides, even if it is so, answering NO to that question implies fraud on behalf of the Client too.

    I know a person who was sent back; IO called the end client to verify his employment and asked if they could hire american worker instead, when the employer said they could, IO sent him back. I think they are only going after H1's working for smaller consulting companies.

    You may write it off as a rumor, so be it, but IV needs to step in and take necessary action.

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  • sukhwinderd
    02-21 07:25 PM
    people from cary, NC ; boston; detroit; orlando; new jersey till now.
    need more participation from these areas as well as from other states.


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  • gcnirvana
    04-20 06:23 PM
    We need at least 6 more volunteers for this task so that the volunteers already making the phone calls are not over-burdened. Please help this very important initiative.

    If you would like to volunteer for this effort, please post or send me a private message.

    I can make phone calls. Sent a PM

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  • sapota
    08-15 05:39 PM
    Surprised by visa bulletin mentioning cutoff dates for EB1, EB2 & EB3 ROW & philipines instead of U.

    Does this mean EB1, EB2 & EB3 ROW cases are not backlogged ? (i.e USCIS approved all it could on July1st 2007 but still visa numbers left?)

    Or were these cases waiting for FBI check so could not use up visa numbers??

    Either way, in a month or so (after all July VB cases are entered into database, USCIS would know its true backlog). Wish it would announce such a backlog number and make realistic predictions for when cases will be approved.

    Given the recent announcement from whitehouse regarding expedited FBI checks, maybe there is some light at the end of the tunnel.

    But hey, lets keep pushing, we dont want hope to be a mirage do we.
    Edit/Delete Message


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  • kumarc123
    02-09 12:13 PM
    and he does post some useful data (remember the recent backlog data he posted before they officially released it).

    anyway, why be so skeptical, don't we watch all the Superbowl ads but only buy the beer we like ;)

    My question to Pappu and IV is, what are you doing about this?

    Should we hold a rally like I last suggested, or again Iv core will Ignore?

    Time to act on Something,

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  • Dakota Newfie
    07-03 11:27 AM
    I admit, it seems discriminatory to say you can't get your GC now because you're from this country or that country but these "high volume" countries have created the current back log through their sheer numbers and sometimes multiple applications, not the system. The system is fair to ALL and for some group to say that it isn't fair because all of that group isn't getting what they want is unjust to the rest of us. I knew I would be pounced upon when I submitted my original post and it only proves my point of personal agendas; sometimes I wonder what the "I" in "IV" really stands for? Don't be so arrogant as to believe that your higher education should give you more rights than others - that doesn't fly with me! I am frustrated with this forum because of this arrogance and I may not visit too much longer!

    I do have one question for all of you who are in favor of eliminating the per country limit; do you support an eventual road to citizenship for the large group of people who dominate the "other side" of immigration? If you don't, some may think you hipocritical to want the rules changed for yourselves!


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    06-10 02:03 PM
    Why r we fighting over pity things like EAD needs employment letter, their political position
    etc. Wait for pappu's update and try getting as many people as you can to support this issue. We need a good head count to win this.

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  • GreenSeaTurtle
    09-19 12:05 PM
    I have to thank the organizers for making this happen it takes a lot of work. I joined late but felt very happy to be a part of it. This is just the beginning.

    Some observations
    Our numbers should have be in 100 thousands not 1000s. I felt bad that more people did not show up. Everytime we all met each other we never fail to talk about the GC process and where we are and how frustrating the whole process is? If this affects us so much why not do something about it when you have an opportunity...Do you want to suffer in silence or break free?

    Immigration voice should be popularized more. People know of Murthy.com etc. but I think not many people are aware of this site so we have to popularize it more by telling friends, family etc.

    The rally could have done with more publicity to attract people especially i don't see why people in the Tri-State area who are so close did not show up in large numbers. Hats off to folks from California, NY and orther places who travelled especially for this event.

    The next time there is any rally I will personally motivate and bring people this is the least I can do.


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  • sri1309
    09-12 08:25 PM

    Good to know the weather will be good, but even it is not, the spirit shouldnt die. I wish all realize this. I hope the weather is horrible and we all still make it to make the voice heard louder.,


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  • dpp
    07-09 03:53 PM
    I dont think legally you can sue someone, because they have worked harder.
    I posted this link , so that everybody may know the legal reasons, which we can be presented in a court of law.

    If this lawsuit is accepted by the court , then the USCIS lawyers would tell what exactly happened.

    I till now personally believe , that the USCIS/DOS hasnt broken any law.
    They may have however changed a pettern,process , but no law has been broken.

    Everybody knows they didn't broke the law, but the way they followed is wrong.

    I saw somebody suing her company because her colleagues are using perfumes. If this kind of US, then why should we leave them for this disaster.

    What they broke is "They need to give prior notice in advance". They cannot give one-hour or one-min notice. They haven't given one-min notice also. It is outrageous. So, please don't say that they didn't broke any law.

    Do you know what does it mean by notice? It should be given well in advance if you want to convey something.

    They completely broke all those ethical laws.


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  • thakkarbhav
    08-10 02:29 PM
    I am in. I am EB2 but I support this because this makes sense.

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  • abhijitp
    07-23 07:37 PM
    When we emailed him about our concerns regarding this issue his response was the following:
    I have won many cases without it. It�s not something we need to worry about at this point b/c we don�t have receipts yet. If immigration needs it they will likely request it.
    To tell you the truth I'm still very worried.
    The cited press releases do clearly say that they MAY deny an AOS application. What disturbs me is... why on earth should someone NOT obey the instructions which are clearly laid out on the front pages of the I-485 application forms? Is there a benefit to NOT submitting the employment letter?


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  • GCKaMaara
    03-12 10:59 AM
    It doesn't make sense on either side:

    1. IV is not going to change its policy of hiding information. If you are comfortable with the approach then contribute otherwise don't.

    2. Shouting and bashing here on website will gain nothing.

    Do something creative. I think the basic problem is not hiding information. Basic problem is that as a non-profit organization, we don't have elections. We as a group have no rights to choose who is core. But thats how it is.

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  • DesiGuy
    09-11 10:56 AM
    another hurdle and another uncertainty. wait goes on...

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  • sc09876
    07-29 01:14 PM
    Add CareFirst - Blue Cross Blue Shield
    Legg Meson

    All these companies take people on H1 and after an year of year an half they say they have changed policy and they can't file H1. They have big lawyers like M**** and R**** and those lawyers tell employers even if your employee is on 5th year and if you don't file GC (PERM) b4 365 days its alright.... we can send them out and re catpture time and all BS and ultimately employees suffer.... as they r in their 5th or some are in 6th year and are completely screwed up.
    We should think of taking some legal actions...

    Ya..make sure you consult your attorney to know if such a thing is viable. :). Make sure you read the "employment at will" agreement along with all the other 28 pages that you will abide by the HR policies and also make sure that you read the 125 pages of HR policies.

    01-30 01:57 PM
    It is just not desi compaanies, but small companies in general want to save every peenny and would like to extract more work and would not mind about ur status or legality but will just get their work done.

    When you join desi company you have to deal with crap. Must be very careful while inbetween projects and make sure u don't accrue any bench time.

    04-23 02:55 PM
    Thank you Nor Cal members, on behalf of 1 member who was unable to attend. I encourage those not already part of the Nor Cal Yahoo group to join it.

    There are roughly 10 members trying very hard to boost activity without our section, and it encourages me that there were around 50 or so representatives at the meeting.

    Stay active, join your chapter!
    Northern California members we need volunteers for an event on Wednesday (04/25) in Campbell @ 1:00 p.m. for an hour. This is much more interactive event. No undocumented immigration issues just EB related issues. Please join the yahoo group and get involved. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/NC_Immigration_Voice/

    Lets keep the momentum going.

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